Free Bible based lessons and activities for your outreach!

These lessons are used by a variety of organizations and mission groups around the world. They are ideal for Bible study groups. Do you teach Sunday School, Bible class or ESL? Are you a camp director, prison visitor or missionary? These worksheets are free and available for your use. Simply download, print and use as you wish!

Sunday School teacher using BibleTime Lesson to teach four children

Free Bible Curriculum For All Ages


Sunday School

You can adopt our three-year curriculum, work at your own pace or pick and choose topics. The downloadable worksheets work well to test student comprehension and reinforce important points. Save time prepping for your lessons by using our Biblically sound lessons.


Summer Camps

Stuck on what to teach your group this year? Take a look at our material! It works well for morning devotions. Equip your counsellors with these lessons and be confident in what they are teaching. Want to stay in contact with your campers throughout the year? Why not send them a new lesson and a note each month? (You could even set up your own centre as detailed below.) They are also ideal for following up any new Christians and encouraging them in discipleship.

lady in prison outfit

Prison Ministry

The NewLife Studies work well as a correspondence course for prisoners. They also work as discussion guides on visits. There is a hunger for truth and forgiveness in prisons not found elsewhere. You can still reach past the iron gates with the Word of God.

ESL Classes

Teaching English with the Bible is an effective way to reach immigrant groups. The Bibletime lessons introduce Biblical teachings in basic English. It works for children and for adults learning the English language. You can work your way up the levels as their command of the language and of the Bible increases.

Correspondence Courses

Another way to use the lessons would be as a correspondence program. Students would receive a booklet with four lessons each month. You would expect them to return the completed booklet in time for the next set. Each student would have a teacher who marked and returned the lessons. Correct answers would translate into marks and the opportunity to earn a prize or certificate. You would download and print the lessons and keep a database of your students’ marks.

child and teacher interacting through your new centre
Your New Centre

BibleTime Lessons

Age-appropriate activities

Learn about the Bible and have fun! Our lessons share exciting Bible stories through questions and activities. There is colouring, crosswords, word searches and other puzzles. Our lessons are difficult enough to be a challenge, but easy enough to be enjoyable.

NewLife Bible Study Course

The NewLife Bible Study Course is intended for young Christians aged 16 to adult who are interested in studying topics related to the Christian life. Some units, like Christ, God & Salvation, are also suitable for anyone looking for answers in life – whether a Christian or not.

NewLife Bible Study Course

About Us

As the PBS motto – ‘Sharing God’s Word with Today’s World’ – indicates, we are a part of a worldwide mission. Our aim is to get individuals into God’s Word where they will learn what an amazing message it contains! Today, there are many centres all around the world. (If you need the lessons in another language or wish to know which countries use them, check out the BES website for more details.)