A12 The Saviour’s Birth
Download PDFLesson 1: The Angel’s Messages
Readings: Matthew 1: 18-25; Luke 1: 26-38
Today, news of great events is flashed around the world at an amazing speed, thanks to our modern communication systems. It need not surprise us that God announced the birth of the Saviour, even before it took place. He did it in a very special way!
Lesson 2: The Emperor’s Command
Readings: Luke 2: 1-7
For many years, the great Roman Empire was ruled by a succession of very powerful emperors known as ‘Caesars’. They lived in Rome, many hundreds of miles from the small country where the Jews lived.
Lesson 3: The Shepherds’ Visit
Readings: Luke 2: 8-20
The safe arrival of a baby into the world is always a cause for rejoicing. The news quickly spreads, and soon visitors call, bringing their good wishes, and perhaps a gift.
Lesson 4: The Wise Men’s Gifts
Readings: Matthew 2: 1-23
Some time later, other visitors arrived to see the Lord Jesus. They are often called ‘The Wise Men’ or ‘Magi’. They were men who studied the stars, carefully following their movements across the heavens. Unlike the shepherds, they had come a long distance.