C7 David

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Lesson 1: Choosing the King

Readings: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13

David grew up during the reign of Israel’s first king.

Lesson 2: Conquering the Giant

Readings: 1 Samuel 16: 14-19; 17: 12-52

Following Samuel’s visit, David continued to look after his father’s sheep. However, we learn in 1 Samuel 16: 14-19 how David served King Saul, both by playing the harp and carrying his armour.

Lesson 3: Coping with Problems

Readings: 1 Samuel 18: 1-23; 19: 1-18

David’s victory over Goliath brought him into great favour with King Saul. He brought David into his own house, where David became a very close friend of his son.

Lesson 4: Caring for others

Readings: 1 Samuel 20: 12-17, 42, 2 Samuel 9: 1-13

David’s life still was in great danger from Saul, as you will discover by reading 1 Samuel 20. Due to Saul’s outrage and desire to kill David, Jonathan warned David. Before they parted from one another, Jonathan made David promise to do something.